Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Aug. 9, 2005 - First Full Day at Home

The babies are adjusting well to being home.

Yesterday, they fussed a bit in the afternoon, but by the evening they had settled down and slept pretty well in the night.

Caroline is waking about every two hours for feeding. Katherine is able to go a bit longer -- usually about three to three and a half hours.

To keep Terri sane and healthy, David helps out with the feedings. Because there are two mouths, we are supplementing with formula, and David is in charge of those feedings.


The hospital even gave David a device called a Nutritional Supplement System ("NSS"), which allows the babies to be fed formula but minimize nipple confusion. Check out the picture of David's "fake nipple"! (Think "Meet the Parents!")


Here are also more photos from the hospital:

Meeting cousins Jonathan and Lauren

Terri on the way home with the kids

Some of Terri's c0-workers visiting.

Click on any photo for a larger view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are absolutely adorable! I am sure that both of you have your hands full with the around the clock feedings. Don't worry, the frequency of the feedings will subside!
