Friday, February 23, 2007

Her first modelling job.

Imagine my surprise when I dropped the girls off at daycare today and saw this hanging prominently from the walls of the day care:

When we signed the girls up for daycare, we evidently signed a waiver allowing photos of the girls to be used for promoting the daycare, and any fundraising campaigns they promote.

It's pretty funny that they managed to get a usable photo of Caroline, because you are twice as likely to get a good photo of Katherine over Caroline. Caroline just does not like to take pictures.

Still, this poster is pretty cool, because I guess they are using this poster at all their daycare sites.

Being the Dad that I am, I thinking about asking to buy this poster so that I can put it in the garage of our house for posterity!


Amy75 said...

Send me a signed copy! Next year's poster better feature the equally adorable Katherine : )

Swistle said...

I'll bet they'd let you buy one--or even they might give it to you for free. Definitely it's worth asking!